The government's proposal on CO2 capture and storage is important in relation to regulation and a clear framework for future capture, transport and storage of CO2. But it is not a sufficient foundation for realizing the North Jutland business lighthouse, believes the consortium behind CO2Vision.
In the plan, the government plans to lead the capture, transport and storage of CO2 into the next phase of development through regulation and investment. Concretely, the government plans to collect two pools for capture and storage and thereby make two large tenders in order to increase the capture and storage of CO2. By presenting the country's first main law on pipeline transport of CO2, and by harmonizing the conditions for (private) investments in CO2 storage in seabed and land.
For the North Jutland business beacon, CO2Vision, where companies, researchers, educational institutions and business promotion organizations have been working for almost two years with the next green wave: CO2 capture, transport, use and storage, an important milestone has been played out in relation to the further work in North Jutland with CO2Vision.
"Government efforts are necessary to realize the potential in the area for the sake of the climate and business development. It is positive that the framework for the infrastructure and capture and storage is being strengthened," says Mogens Christen Gade, who is chairman of the steering group behind the consortium for CO2Vision.
If the proposal is adopted in the Danish Parliament, it will give industry and the energy sector a better framework for investments in relation to the capture and storage of CO2. This market will be expected to be driven by the larger companies in the area. Therefore, the consortium behind CO2Vision looks forward to new proposals embracing support for the further development of new technologies and capture facilities, and support and frameworks for the entire value chain in the area to be considered.
"In order to meet the ambitions in the climate area, one should think more broadly than just capturing and storing CO2. There is no doubt that in the first place it is the larger companies that drive the development, and in this a good framework and support for catching, storage and transport are key. The next step must be to look at the use of CO2 and continued funding for test sites, guidance and training. If we already think about testing of technologies, training of future employees, competence development of employees and guidance of small and medium-sized companies, then Denmark will be in a stronger position in relation to reaching the goal of reducing the climate footprint and creating growth and jobs," says Mogens Christen Gade.
What is CO2Vision?
CO2Vision is to make North Jutland an international pioneer region for CO2 capture, transport, use and storage in 2030. CO2Vision consists of various projects and efforts with a focus on text and demonstration sites, training and analyses, with the aim of making North Jutland an international pioneer region for the green industry of the future.
CO2Vision has been designated by the Danish Parliament as a strategically important effort from 2021-2027 in relation to CO2 capture, use, transport and storage. In order to ensure long-term cooperation and commitment in relation to development in the area, the consortium behind CO2Vision has entered into a partnership agreement with the government and a number of business promotion actors. The partnership agreement consists, among other things, of a strategy and guidelines for the development of CO2Vision. Read more about the partnership agreement for CO2Vision here.
The consortium behind CO2Vision consists of
Aalborg Portland A/S, Aalborg University, University of Applied Sciences UCN, Energy Cluster Denmark, Green Hub Denmark, Arbejdsmarkedkontor Midt/Nord, Evida, Norddanmarks EU-Kontor, Business Region North Denmark and Erhvervshus Nordjylland.
Contact for further information:
Mogens Christen Gade, chairman of the CO2Vision consortium, tel.: 4191 2001
Lars Erik Jønsson, managing director Erhvervshus Nordjylland, tel.: 2066 6821
Photo: Aalborg Portland. Hans Raven