The Gate2GreenFuels test site has started with a start-up meeting at the Port of Aalborg.
The test site will further develop the technical test and demonstration platform from the CCU-Hub Aalborg project at the Port of Aalborg, including the technical value chain involved in CO2 handling and use for the production of fuels – based on methanol as a base component.
Gate2GreenFuels will be given the status of LivingLab, which both supports industries that want to demonstrate and test new technologies, and at the same time the project must in the future act as a platform for knowledge sharing and competence building.
The project's partners are Aalborg University (AAU Energy), Port of Aalborg, Technological Institute, European Energy, Blue World Technologies, Circle K, Evida, Aalborg Portland A/S and Aalborg CSP A/S.
Contact project manager Anders Brøndum Klein, if you want to know more about the project.